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Your Akashic Breakthrough Coaching Day Includes:

A day of 1:1 coaching with Deena via the Voxer app

Coaching with Deena to help you tune in to what's really going on that has been keeping you stuck, so that it can be cleared, and you can move forward and make the changes you've been wanting to make in your life

Spiritual Response Therapy Clearing of deeper, resistant issues you've been struggling with

Spiritual Healing & Restructuring for physical issues

  • Total payment
  • 1xAkashic Breakthrough Coaching$600

All prices in USD

Client Love Notes

“I have been enjoying the benefits of energy work coaching with Deena Douglas for the past 6 weeks. I have been amazed at the overall shift in my thinking as well as my increased energy level and stamina. 

She is an amazingly gifted individual with a strong intuitive sense for asking the right questions which always guide me to be able to release blocks in the flow of my energy. 

It is always a pleasure to work with her. She is warm and thoroughly professional. 

I can’t wait for our next session together. Thanks Deena for empowering me to keep the flow of my energy moving freely in the direction of my dreams.”

